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Royston House Ferns photography by David Innes

Ferns are natural to the eco-forest culture of Vancouver Island. The native Sword, Deer and Licorice Ferns are one of the natural habitat features at Royston House. The north ocean views include large fern and moss rock gardens which David Innes used for much of this fern photo art.

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Comox Valley Royston House Gallery
Comox Valley Royston Oceanside
Comox Valley Royston Carriage Suite
Comox Valley Royston habitat
Comox Valley Royston Rhododendron
Comox Valley Royston Birds
Comox Valley Nature Photography
Comox Valley Alpine Photographyv
Comox Valley Ferns
Comox Valley Helleborus
Strathcona Provincial Park
Paradise Meadows Mount Washington
Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce Royston House BB Member

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