Rebuilding the Royston BC Seaside Trail
by Ross
post # 16 – High tides, late fall rain storm, polishing the path, breeching the slough
A November high tide of over 16 feet put a test to the new Green Shores work being done on the Royston Seaside trail. The top row of pictures are the last section to have logs anchored along the shore plus backfilling with sand and gravel in preparation for planting of seashore vegetation.
The next row first two pictures shows the effect of one of our November Rain storms as three sections of the new trail overflowed from water coming out of the side bank. This is compounded by our rocky terrain that brings rainwater close to the surface during the fall/winter storm events. Roadside ditches compound this as the water finds its way under the roads and thru downslope properties.
The last of row 2 and row 3 are of the new Lince road section with the polished path almost finished and some views as you enter Lince rd from HWY 19A.
The last 3 photos are of the section of the slough to be breeched this week.( next blog)
Thanks for following and sharing – lots of raving about the trail from those discovering it for the first time.