Additional planting of shoreline grasses is being planned to develop more of this green shores project. Rocks that were originally used to build the Comox Logging Railway here are now being recycled to stabilize this breech.
Check the Comox tide charts if you wish to catch a high tide for inflows or lower tide for outflows. The Royston Slough is now much fresher than it was last summer.
Thanks for visiting and sharing our Trail blog.
Ross @
Comox Harbour and Coastal Mountains
View from the living room at Royston House
Planting of Native Plants along the Royston Trail
Salal from Royston House that we planted along the new Trail
Entry path to Royston House from the new Trail
Royston House path off the New Royston Waterfront Trail
pathway to the Royston Wrecks from the Royston Waterfront Trail
Bald Eagles on the Trail were extremely active this morning in several places along the Royston Waterfront Trail.
These photos were taken immediately in front of Royston House B&B
]]>Several of these pictures were taken near the front of Royston House BB
Come, see and enjoy the walk which is 4+ blocks long.
We will update the photos when all the planting is complete and the grass has regrown – sometime in the spring
Thanks for viewing our photo Blog and sharing with your friends
Ross and Nancy at Royston House
]]>1st 4 photos of what the breech looks like after construction
Thompson Waterfall after an overnight rain storm with highway runoff
Post sitters by the Royston Wrecks, Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, Seagull
Backhoe at work digging the breech and moving surplus material
Lastly 2 Waterfront views from the old railbed area
Enjoy and thanks for viewing and sharing
]]>A November high tide of over 16 feet put a test to the new Green Shores work being done on the Royston Seaside trail. The top row of pictures are the last section to have logs anchored along the shore plus backfilling with sand and gravel in preparation for planting of seashore vegetation.
The next row first two pictures shows the effect of one of our November Rain storms as three sections of the new trail overflowed from water coming out of the side bank. This is compounded by our rocky terrain that brings rainwater close to the surface during the fall/winter storm events. Roadside ditches compound this as the water finds its way under the roads and thru downslope properties.
The last of row 2 and row 3 are of the new Lince road section with the polished path almost finished and some views as you enter Lince rd from HWY 19A.
The last 3 photos are of the section of the slough to be breeched this week.( next blog)
Thanks for following and sharing – lots of raving about the trail from those discovering it for the first time.
]]>Great Blue Heron along the Seaside trail where Salmon are actively jumping.
Old Railway trail section to be removed next month to open up the slough and restore it as a saltmarsh the way it was before the Railway was built.
Licorice and Sword Ferns along the trail just in front of Royston House B&B
NW high winds at high tide near the Royston Wrecks.
Some of the natural shoreline along the northern section of the Trail
Rocks along the high water line have been added as party of this Green Shores project
Ross at Royston House
]]>Rocks have been added to the sand base as part of this Green Shores project to stabilize the shoreline from further deterioration. Extra logs were added along the section of young trees to provide protection and act as a base for adding some soil around their roots.
Mallard Ducks were active along the shoreline of the old trail. The Eagle pair near the Royston Wrecks are taking a rest after some restoration work on their original nest. They left this nest and built a new one closer to shore when a number of trees were removed for a new house construction. This eagle pair raised 3 young this past summer now they are doing some early prep work for next year.
Rocks and Logs are stockpiled in preparation for further work to be done along the trail.
Weekend walkers from other parts of Royston are enjoying the trail the way it is so far and keep coming back to see what is happening next.
Ross @ Royston House